Personal Loan Calculator

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Our personal loan calculator will help you find the payment that fits your budget. Looking to learn more about borrowing? Check out our Guide to Borrowing. And for honest financial advice when it comes to options for loan products, book an appointment with a credit union expert today.

NOTE: These calculations are based on the accuracy and completeness of the data you have entered. The information is intended for illustrative and general information purposes only. Actual payment amounts may differ and will be determined at the time of being approved for a loan. Please do not rely solely on this information or result when making financial decisions; please visit your credit union branch or speak with a credit union representative for further information. Any available prepayment options will depend on the mortgage you are approved for. Additional conditions may apply.

Loan amount

The amount you want to borrow.


Interest on a loan essentially the “cost” of borrowing money for the length of your term, expressed as a percentage.