RRSP Calculator

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Our RRSP calculator can help you figure out how much you need to save for retirement. But if you need a bit of help figuring out how to start saving in the first place, check out our Guide to Investing and Savings or book an appointment with a credit union expert today.

Step 1: Your current situation

To see what retirement means for you, we'll need to start from today.

Tell us about yourself:

Step 2: Your retirement outlook

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Now that we know where we're starting from, let's see what retirement may look like for you.

We're making these calculations assuming you'll need at least [[ retirementUsage ]]% of your current income in retirement to be comfortable. I'd like to change this

To retire at [[ retirementAge ]], you'll need to save
$[[ savingsResult | round ]] a month
going forward.

By saving $[[ monthlySavings | round ]] a month,
you will be set for retirement at
[[ AgeResult | round ]] years old.

Adjust the slider to see how your retirement age affects how much you'll need to save every month.

Adjust the slider to see how your retirement age affects how much you'll need to save every month.

Curious about savings and retirement? The key is to start early and have a plan to help make sure your golden years, stay golden.

Get in touch with us

To retire at [[ retirementAge ]], you'll need to save
$[[ savingsResult | round ]] a month
going forward.

By saving $[[ monthlySavings | round ]] a month,
you will be set for retirement at
[[ AgeResult | round ]] years old.

Curious about savings and retirement? The key is to start early and have a plan to help make sure your golden years, stay golden.

Get in touch with us

Add Partner Income

If your spouse or partner has retirement savings and an income you can factor them into your retirement plan.


Change how much money you'll need in retirement

We're making these calculations assuming you'll need at least [[ retirementUsage ]]% of your current income in retirement to be comfortable.


Our assumptions

We’ve made a few assumptions about your situation and market performance because as much as we can help you plan for the future, we can’t predict it. Change these valuesHide these values