Break Even Calculator

If you run a business—or you’re thinking about starting one—doing a break-even analysis is an essential step in informing smart business decisions.

Our break-even calculator will help you understand what it takes for your business to be profitable. Simply enter your fixed business costs, your variable unit costs, and your sales price to estimate the number of units you would need to sell to break even.

Looking to learn more about business banking? Check out our Business Planning Guide. And for honest financial advice for your business products and services, book an appointment with a credit union expert today.

NOTE: The break-even calculation is based on the accuracy and completeness of the data you have entered. The information is intended for illustrative and general information purposes only. Please do not rely solely on this information or result when making financial decisions; please visit your credit union branch or speak with a credit union representative for further information. Additional conditions may apply.

Fixed costs

Costs that do not change with varying output (e.g., rent, building machinery, salaries).

Sales Price

The price, per unit, each product/service is selling for.

Variable cost

Costs incurred to create a unit. (e.g. raw materials, labour)

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